Here are a couple Upstart configuration options for waiting on process dependency. These files go in your Upstart /etc/init directory. Not the best way? Let me know!

Wait for a port to open

description "DESCRIPTION"
author "YOUR NAME"

# Start the service on runlevel 2/3/4/5
start on runlevel [2345]

# Stop the service on runlevel 0/1/6
stop on runlevel [016]

	until nc -z localhost 80; do
		echo "Waiting for port 80 to open"
		sleep 1
	# Start the service
	exec start-stop-daemon --start --name UNIQUE_SERVICE_NAME --exec /PATH/TO/YOUR/SERVICE
end script

Wait for a process NOT managed by Upstart to start

description "DESCRIPTION"
author "YOUR NAME"

# Start the service on runlevel 2/3/4/5
start on runlevel [2345]

# Stop the service on runlevel 0/1/6
stop on runlevel [016]

	while [ -z "`pidof apache2`" ]; do
		echo "Waiting for apache to start"
		sleep 1
	# Start the service
	exec start-stop-daemon --start --name UNIQUE_SERVICE_NAME --exec /PATH/TO/YOUR/SERVICE
end script

Wait for a Upstart managed process to start

Note: This doesn’t mean the process is ready.

description "DESCRIPTION"
author "YOUR NAME"

# Start the service when mysql has started
start on started mysql

# Stop the service on runlevel 0/1/6
stop on runlevel [016]

	# Start the service
	exec start-stop-daemon --start --name UNIQUE_SERVICE_NAME --exec /PATH/TO/YOUR/SERVICE
end script

More Upstart service configuration options: Upstart Intro, Cookbook and Best Practises